On the 5th and 6h of May, the SILKNOW team held an online meeting to discuss the project’s advancements. This meeting was originally going to take place in Nice, France at EURECOM Headquarters but, due to COVID-19, we had to hold it online. Confined but active, we used these two days to explain each Work Package advancements and the interdisciplinary work they require.
The connections between the Virtual Loom and the modelling of textual annotations were discussed, we also began to coordinate the integration of new classes and properties with the expertise of our colleagues from CNRS-Université Lumière-Lyon 2. This led to a discussion on the coverage of our Knowledge Graph as we want to consider also these objects that explain how silk heritage has evolved over time. Next, our Italian colleagues from UNIPA explained to us how they are going to evaluate all the SILKNOW tools. Finally, we saw for the first time how the Search Engine will be… but we do not want to let the cat out of the box!
These were two fruitful days, we showed that even in quarantine our team remains strong and still from our homes, we keep weaving our past into the future.