EASD. Young designers & silk

SILKNOW tools are designed to act as cultural mediators between silk heritage and the public in general. The interaction between ICT and cultural resources enable to open up collections beyond the walls of each institution. In this regard, using cultural heritage as an educational resource is fundamental not only to transmit knowledge associated with it but also to value local heritage and ensure that it is understood as something worthy of being bequeathed to future generations.

As stated since the beginning of the project, SILKNOW has committed to align its resources in order to continue the tradition of linking silk and design in the education of young artists and future designers. Involving cultural heritage in educational design programmes can serve as inspiration for tomorrow’s designers and find concrete applications in the field of design, industry and technology. 

We worked 3 years with the Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de València. These are the results of such collaboration.
