In front of COVID-19 pandemic, the whole SILKNOW team wishes to express its solidarity with all those who have lost loved ones or have been directly affected. We also want to express our support and gratitude with all those who are on the front-line fighting to contain this outbreak.
This pandemic is having dramatic consequences on our daily life, economy, health and personal relationships, but it is also showing the strength of humankind and our capacity to overcome any challenge if we remain united. It is giving rise to creativity, solidarity and courage. Cultural heritage is no stranger to these displays of emotion: balconies are filling up with music, plays are coming into our homes, museums are opening their collections from the safety of our coaches… proving once again that culture is a territory where we can all be united.
SILKNOW will continue working from our homes to ensure our safety and will endeavour to maintain our activities as best possible. Now, more than ever, we will keep weaving our past into the future.